It is based on acupressure/acupuncture therapy. It gives soft an smooth massage to the body. It is made of wood to give natural massage effect. The energy wooden hand roller has been designed on the basis of ancient acupressure and ayurvedic principals. Perfect for accupressure massage, and stimulating blood circulation, thereby relaxing stiff muscles, joints and increasing energy levels. The roller can used over multiple body parts to provide relaxation and comfort–specifically for back pain, sciatica and shoulder pain. The wooden hand roller is also very effective on joints
Spikes Wooden Acupressure Tool
Manufacturer | Tora Creations |
Item No | 8005 |
Material | Neem Wood |
Size | 23 X 10 X 4 CMS |
Weight | |
Finish | Natural |
Packing Type | Bulk |
Country Origin | Made in India |